Welcome to NewsMapper!

We are making a program that plots the most recent news on a map, providing our customers with a unique and engaging way to stay informed. Our goal is to make news more accessible and interesting, especially for teenagers and people who may not typically read the news. We source our news from a variety of companies to offer a diverse range of perspectives and stories. Thank you for choosing NewsMapper to stay up-to-date!

(Group 1 sub-project)


What do We do?

NewsMapper takes content from major news companies and displays them on a customized map, allowing users to see news stories that interest them the most. The news stories are sorted into categories such as technology, business, war, politics, and other topics to give users a unique news-reading experience.

Many of the news brands include the following companies:






<aside> 💡 Discover the current world

News Mapper (maharsh17.github.io)


<aside> 📲 Contact Us: [email protected]
